Space, and there is a LOT of it.

People talk of how approaching seven billion, or already exceeded it in 2011 of the world population. If you are vegan it is estimate about one acer per person. If you prefer the hunter/gather method. More like ten acres per person. So I am going to take a harder science at that and figured that with technology and more micro-climate awareness etc, it should come out to roughly five acres per person. How? Not all plants need to grow on the surface of earth. Multi-level farming is a fairly new method in terms of how much of it is being done on a large scale. Multi-level has been done for centuries in small gardens around the world. But tackling it for large scale populace is a different methodology.  Right now, most of it in the United States is being done around large cities to decrease the amount of time, effort, and packing it takes to get food to the table. The closer you get, the better the food. Fully ripen food is better and more nutrious than partly ripe, under green, and hard like a baseball!

So for a planet that growing in human population (but many of the animals and needed bugs are not as of now, doing as well. Bees anyone?)

Besides the growing of things to eat, we also need room to take care of our waste, make drinking water (we are way past being able to drink from a stream. Even in the Himalayas tip top mountains there are pollutants! So many who believe that the only way to save the earth is not to have children. Well there is a problem with THAT. Most of those who chose not to have children tend to be well educated and are power brokers. Some use the reasoning that there are too many people to begin with. My argument is this, we are adapting. We are tackling the problem of how to live on a heavily populated world. I for one am  optimistic that we will adapt well because we are survivors first. Co-creators is something that also comes naturally to our speices. Rather than being overly worried about our population numbers, I would be more concern about the man-men (and they do tend to be male) who chose a life of crime and terror control of where ever they live. Drug Lords, Mini Kings, and Zealots of the worst kind (I mean that in a multi-national way btw). What is really pushing the space issue is not so much the number of humanity, but how we share. There is a tremendous desire to OWN things first, share when there is only when there is plenty.

Bit by bit some cultures are changing in seeing that sharing is actually more profitable than keeping the best for yourself, in the long run. For example, multi-level farming (This video site DOES have Captions but they are a bit haphazard to read. If anyone knows a better site with similar information, LMK). Can you imagine a skyscraper being turned into a farming that can feed thousands of people? This site talks just about that. There are amazing benefits when used the right way.

Then there is a more argumentative suggestion too. Start Colonizing other planets. It is a natural progression for us. Something that will take a couple hundred years for us to be fluent in how we do this. There will be casualties as well, any actions to work in non-native soil tends to require the acceptance that death is part of the learning curve. That does not argue that we should not do it. Some might find it odd that a Catholic would argue for us to go to the moon and beyond. After all, don’t I believe that Jesus Christ is coming back one day? Would he gather the people on Mars, the Moon, or Jupiter and other places? Yes he will. What we really need to understand, is that we will be carrying home with us. So how can I argue for us to spend so much resources going off planet when we should take care of what we have right now and right here? It is this, going off planet is very much like having children. It is, in my mind, our birthright to explore. The main thing is to take what we have learned here as humans, and apply it as our best selves, out there as well as at home. Space Travel has had a profound impact on our understanding of who and whom we are. It is not a thing to be feared in that in pricing the blackness we will become less. In fact I have every faith we will find more and greater Glory to God than we can perceive right now. If only because we see it from a new window on to life.

Nancy Louise

The Hesitant Hand

I live in America, I feel safe. Or rather, I used to. Perhaps it is because I read the postings of too many electronic news now, concerned only with those of the latest hour. Anything over seven hours is considered stale to me, unless I am doing something investigative. As I sat to have a bite to eat and drink a lovely chi, I said a small prayer and prepared to cross myself as I came to the end of it. Nothing showy, just my usual quiet prayer. I hesitated. Images of someone coming and departing my head from my body suddenly filled my mind, screams of how dare I bluntly show my religion in secular surroundings. I made a very soft cross, a cross between what might be seen as shooing away a fly or sloppy cross. My head bowed a bit more in shame. What ever had come over me. The day was beautiful, I live in an area if different faiths. There was no real fear here. Yet I had wonder, how much longer will this freedom last? When will we become invaded? If Israel falls, will we be next? Is the fall of Christianity in the Middle East meaning the fall of Christianity and Judaism everywhere?

Do you think my fears extreme? I ask you, would you have thought the bombing in the twin towers garage would lead to the Jets of 9-11? We must not hide, we must not be shy. It is time for us to be bold and kind, and proclaim in action who we are. We will not stand for terrorism. We must help our neighbors, and know them. They also need to know US. Don’t hide, get to know people, their faith, their beliefs. War makes beastly animals of everyone. Peace is made by making humans of one another. Let us fight our own beastly natures and bring out our humane best.

In Christ our Lord, Amen.
Nancy Louise

Patriots of every stripe.

I consider myself a Patriotic American. Most hear that phrase think of conservative, white, middle class or upper class, most likely Republican and age 60 and older, aging Boomers or if Libertarian, then maybe in their 20’s. These are extremely broad stroked generalities and irony is finding a group of people who really fit the profile like that can be difficult, unless you happen to have a rally for a photo shoot and forget to ask questions of them and why they are there.

You wouldn’t find me at such a Rally though. For one thing my patriotism has what some would call a liberal streak a mile wide. I always thought what I had was a compassionate streak. We can all agree to disagree on labels for the moment and lets move on the the meat of what I am really trying to get at here.


Patriots, Privacy, and the Possible Riot act of 2013. I find it interesting that the word Patriots includes the word Riots in it and Pat in front. So Patriots Pat Riots? Maybe they do, maybe they go around patting little riot makers on the head, or the behind. At least it seems like that what they do most of the time. I see a lot of noise, but not a lot of sense. Examples.

A). If no one likes having their privacy invaded. Well then, turn off the dang thing that being invaded as a group. Do it as a big enough group for a span of say six months? Serious money could be lost and well, I would say that would be a very “pat riot” right there.

B). If you have something that making you unwell, you don’t go to the doctor and say, ” I really like to keep my leg, but I love to kick people all day, can you make then stop kicking me back so I don’t get bruised?”

You either learn to fight better, or fight differently. The doctor isn’t going to be able to help you, except maybe to take Vitamin B to help your veins bruise a little less… Or better yet, change your stratagem. Bigger point is to figure out whom you really need help from. Point is, complaining about the Patriot Act or NSA or any of this is just as ineffective. If you don’t like it, then make an agreement with your friends or what not to do one of two things or don’t.

1. Stop using the electronic devices that are allegedly being used to spy on you. Seek alternate devices or services that resist such efforts of allowing their customers to be spied on.

2. Figured its a price to pay for have global access and act accordingly to make sure your behavior is proper, kind of like not yelling “Hi Jack!” in an airport.

I for one am not the believer in “if you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear” mentality. It is just too easy for bits and pieces of data to be strung together to make a legal noose around anyone’s neck to hang them with. Stray phrases, odd searches on line (trust me as a writer I have done a lot of those), connections with people that might be tied to terrorist organization (I live in one of the most diverse Cities in the world, you figure it out, who doesn’t look suspicious here to someone living in a hidey hole in DC? Someone eating Sushi with salsa is going to look suspicious. BTW California Roll with Salsa is really delicious.)

Like it or not, statements can get you in hot water. As I walked out a store the other night, I realized I said on camera the following statement.

“The reason women don’t murder as much as men, is because we have Chocolate!” I was making a joke. I also saw a look of fear in the young merchants eye and a flicker towards the camera. Even my son was trying to make it more silly by adding men have video games. To which I added, “Bah, games, sc-names, Chocolate, much better!” as I walked out though I did have to wonder, will the FBI be on my tail if someone I am associated with, dies? Looking over my shoulders now…

Nancy Louise
